Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fitness Is...

For me fitness is taking care of your body. I’m not into working out, lifting weights and super diets. Beware that some of that stuff can do you more harm than good. It is important that you don’t let your body go, but you don’t have to be a health guru to stay fit.

Fitness will make you feel better and help you to live longer. If you don’t stay fit you will suffer a lot of problems in life and won’t be around as long as you might have. You will be wise to do what it takes to keep yourself healthy and fit.

Everybody knows that a proper diet and exercise are necessary to your fitness. There are many things that can be detrimental like drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Doing stupid things like picking up too much weight or stressing your body can cause damage to yourself so that you are never the same again. Being careful with your body and developing a few good habits of eating and exercise can go a long way toward better living.
Robert Dodson is the creator of Better Living blogs. Click here for better health and fitness.

Anyone Can Lose Weight Fast And Easy

I can tell you how to lose at least 20 lbs in just 3 months and still eat whatever kinds of food you want. It does work and anyone can do it. I know because I did it.

First, you must make a commitment to follow through on my plan. I wanted to lose the weight but it did not work for me until I convinced myself that I really must lose the weight. Once I said that I was going to do it, I never turned back.

Second, you must decide how much weight you want to lose. For me it was 20 lbs. This would put me back where I felt good about myself. So how much do you want to lose? Start with a realistic goal.

Third, work the plan. The plan is simple and easy to follow. It is not like some diets that deprive you of enjoying food. Here’s the plan:

1. Eat at least three meals a day. This will keep your metabolism going through out the day. Don’t skip breakfast. Don’t skip lunch. Don’t eat supper too late.

2. Eat small portions at each meal. I just cut in half what I was eating. For example, instead of eating a whole sandwich for lunch I would half a sandwich. When I went out to eat I would take half of it home. Not only was I losing weight but I was also saving money on food.

3. Eat only one dessert a day. Again, just eat a small portion. Don’t heap your bowl with ice cream. If you want to eat dessert at lunch and supper, just eat half of the slice of cake for lunch and then the other half at supper.

4. Do not drink sodas. Once I got off sodas I quit desiring them. In fact, when I tried one it tasted awful to me. I just drink water mostly. It is really good for you and the best thirst quencher in the world. And, it really saves me a lot on my restaurant bill. I drink grape juice every morning for breakfast. It will help your stomach and keep you from ever having to worry about hemorrhoids caused by constipation.

5. Do not snack. Chew some gum or go get another bottle of water. Snacking will kill your diet.

6. Cheat just a little every once in a while. I usually do this on special occasions when at a nice restaurant or at a holiday dinner. You can’t do this every week but its ok now and again.

That’s it! Hope this leads to better living for you!
Robert Dodson is the creator of Better Living blogs. Click here for better health and fitness.

As Featured On EzineArticles

How I Quit Drinking Caffeine?

I was hooked on cokes. For years I drank about six sodas a day. Add to that a lot of ice tea and you can see I got plenty of caffeine.

No, I never drank coffee. I knew a man who used to drink it the entire time he was awake. How he was ever able to go to sleep I don’t know. I don’t remember ever seeing him without a coffee cup in his hand.

In time I cut back on sodas and started drinking decaffeinated tea. But let me tell you how I finally quit drinking caffeine altogether.

It started with my desire to lose weight. I knew that sodas contributed to my weight gain and if I was going to lose weight they would have to go. Until you decide that you do not want caffeine in your life you will not be able to quit drinking it.

Next, I made a resolve to give up sodas and all other caffeine drinks. Water would be my new thirst quencher. I love grape juice so that was what I would drink for some flavor. Drinking water and juice would be better for my health. It also saved me a lot of money when going out to eat. Soft drinks or tea can add a couple of dollars to your bill.

It was tough at first to stick to my resolve but I did. After about a month of not drinking cokes I was going through MacDonald’s. Out of habit I ordered a meal deal that included a coke. I tried to wash down my burger with it and almost spit it out. My taste buds had changed. It was so awfully harsh on my throat. Since then it has been easy to say No to any soft drinks.

Decide this is what you want to do, make a resolve and see how much better living can be!
Robert Dodson is the creator of Better Living blogs. Click here for better health and fitness.

Grape Juice Helps Hemorrhoids

I’m no doctor but I can tell you it works for me.

It was when I was wanting to lose some weight that I made this discovery. One thing that I decided to do was get off of cokes. I just drank water but still needed something with some flavor. Because I loved grape juice that became my drink of preference. Every morning I drink one glass of grape juice. Never would I have imagined what a difference it would make in my life.

Seldom do I suffer from stomach problems or nausea. And it has done wonders for my bowels. There are no long morning rituals anymore. The pain and suffering of hemorrhoids is a thing of the past.

Feeling good affects your whole life. You feel like doing things you didn’t want to do before. You have a better attitude towards others. You’re glad you’re alive.

So try it! See if doesn’t make for better living!
Robert Dodson is the creator of Better Living blogs. Click here for better health and fitness.